Hi there 👋,
I'm Alfio Salanitri a full stack developer currently employed at Industria01 passionate about open-source technologies.
Currently, I'm exploring headless systems using React with CMS platforms like WordPress, Shopify or Laravel Framework.
I enjoy working in a Linux environment (Debian and Arch) and I focus on the perpetual advancement of cybersecurity strategies for my servers.
# 👨💻 Open Source Projects (20)
Dive into my curated compilation of versatile Bash and Python scripts, crafted to enhance workflows and boost productivity.
These open source projects are freely accessible and modifiable for anyone who wants to contribute or adapt them to their needs.
# lamp-virtual-host
Bash script to manage apache virtual host on Debian/Ubuntu machines. This script can: create mysql database; create mysql user with privileges; install an application like wordpress, prestashop or laravel; choose different php-fpm version; install ssl certificate
# server-guardian
A simple bash script that monitor your server (high cpu and ram usage, systemctl services status, free disk space) and send an alert to telegram bot
# wireguard-client-connection-notification
Receive notifications via Telegram or Gotify whenever a client connects or disconnects from a WireGuard tunnel.
# wordpress-local-tunnel
This repository contains a Docker project that allows you to expose your locally WordPress site online using Cloudflare Tunnel via TryCloudflare. Useful when you want to share a preview of the site under development with a client.
# massive-mail-sender
Flask app with Docker to send custom HTML emails to multiple recipients, with login and email composition UI.
# expired_cart_rules_cleaner
A PrestaShop module designed as a workaround for a bug that lets users use expired or deactivated cart discount codes if they were added before the code expired.
# qrcode-generator
This script can generate a svg qrcode from an url and send it to an email address from command line.
# wp-db-sync
A simple bash script to import/export a wordpress database to/from wordpress root directory.
# backup-website-database
Create a tar archive of a source directory and a database dump file.
# ps-db-sync
A simple bash script to import/export a prestashop database to/from prestashop root directory.
# encrypted-backup
Bash script to create an encrypted tar archive of a given directory. Supports files and folders exclusions listed in the excluded.txt file
# gotify-push-message
A simple bash script for Linux to send a message to Gotify server from CLI
# change-database-tables-collate
Bash script to change charset and collate to specific database tables parsed from a txt file
# github-cli-search-collaborator
A simple bash script to scan your github repositories and list all collaborators for each one. You can also type the username to search.
# backup-mysql
Export all mysql databases in singular database_name.sql.gz file and archive all dumps in a tar.xz archive file.
# mp4-converter
Convert an mp4 video to webp|ogv optimized for web and save the first video frame as jpeg cover.
# gif-to-video-converter
Convert a gif image or a gif url to mp4|webp|ogv video with ffmpeg.
# backup-to-device
backup custom directories and mysql databases to an external device
# process-analyzer
Analyze the ram and cpu usage of a process in real time from command line in linux.
# linux-doc-words-counter
A simple bash script to count all words and characters of multiple documents (.doc|.txt)