~# 👔 Professional Experience:
- $ 2014 - now | Industria01 | Full Stack Developer
- $ 2006 - 2014 | Freelance | Full Stack Developer
# 🦄 Skills:
declare -a FRAMEWORKS=("Laravel" "Symfony" "Next.js" "Django" "Flask")
declare -a CMS=("WordPress" "PrestaShop" "Shopify")
declare -a BACKEND=( "PHP" "Node.js" "Python")
declare -a FRONTEND=( "React" "Bootstrap" "Webpack" "Tailwindcss" "Javascript" "jQuery" "Vue.js" "Alpine.js" "HTML" "S[A,C]SS" "Grunt")
declare -a DATABASE=( "MySQL" "PostgreSQL" "MongoDB" "Redis")
declare -a DEVOPS=( "Git" "Docker" "AWS" "Linux" "LAMP" "Nginx" "Bash" "Python" "Jira" "Cloudflare (workers, tunnel)" "Cyber security settings and hack prevents")
declare -a SOFTWARE=( "PhpStorm" "Linux-[Arch,Debian,Ubuntu]" "Visual Studio Code" "Gimp" "Inkscape" "Adobe" "Figma" "Android Studio")
~# 💻 Development Stack:
Linux-[Arch,Debian,Ubuntu], LAMP, PhpStorm, Composer, Git, Jira, Docker, Webpack, Grunt, Nvm.
~# 👾 Work Style:
- $ "First, solve the problem. Then, write the code" — John Johnson
- $ Scheduled and organized
- $ Cooperative and supportive
# 💛 Things I love:
- $ my wife, my daughters, my parents and my relatives
- $ learning new things
- $ cooking and experimenting with food
- $ my mountain bike
- $ retro games and manga
- $ music